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CCIAAFlorence International Dispute Resolution Academy FIDRA - Percorsi formativi

IDRA stems from the experience of the Florence Chamber of Commerce in managing alternative dispute resolution, and is promoted by its special agency PromoFirenze together with Florence International Mediation Chamber (FIMC), i.e. the international mediation service provided by the Chamber.

Perché è necessario migliorare le capacità nel trattare con partner e concorrenti internazionali.

The global market offers significant growth opportunities. However, potential pitfalls must be taken into account. A dispute with a foreign partner and the ensuing termination of the commercial relationship, as well as an unwitting approach to the legislation and institutions of the country in which you intend to make investments, may be detrimental not only from an economic standpoint, but also in terms of lost opportunities and business chances.

L’Academy per professionisti, manager e avvocati nel campo dei rapporti commerciali internazionali.

Per questo, la conoscenza della legislazione locale, la gestione consapevole della contrattualistica, così come la conoscenza di strumenti alternativi di risoluzione delle controversie internazionali quali la mediazione e l’arbitrato, diventano strumenti imprescindibili per la scelta e protezione dei propri investimenti.

Each initiative launched by FIDRA foresees the availability of both academic and professional skills to deliver the most up-to-date content in terms of research and experience. This allows all participants to take advantage of high-level content that can be applied immediately and effectively to their business.


Florence Chamber of Commerce


Committed all along to spreading the culture of alternative dispute resolution instruments and making the related services available to businesses.

FIMC, founded in 2015 , stems from the Chamber’s decades of experience in the field of conciliation and arbitration. As of today, besides FIMC, the Chamber manages the Florence Arbitration Chamber, promoted together with the Association of Lawyers, Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts, the Board of Notaries for the Combined Districts of Florence, Prato and Pistoia, and the Conciliation Service, that is, the Conciliation Organism registered under No. 4 of the list of Conciliation Organisms kept by the Ministry of Justice.


Leonardo Bassilichi

“I mercati internazionali sono la principale prospettiva di sviluppo per le nostre imprese e un approccio consapevole ai rapporti commerciali con l'estero è indispensabile per garantire il buon andamento del business”

Segretario Generale

Giuseppe Salvini

“FIDRA è uno strumento di formazione e di aggiornamento che mettiamo a disposizione del sistema economico, in continuità con la tradizione di apertura al commercio mondiale di Firenze e in linea con il nostro impegno al fianco delle imprese”


Scientific Committee


Chiann Bao

Independent Arbitrator, Arbitration Chambers, Comitato scientifico FIDRA


Mario Curia

Chairman and CEO of Mandragora S.r.l., FIDRA scientific committee


Annette Magnusson

Co-Founder, Climate Change Counsel, Sweden, Comitato scientifico FIDRA


Michael McIlwrath

CEO, MDisputes, Chair, ICC Governing Body for Dispute Resolution Services, former Vice President – Litigation, Baker Hughes Company, Comitato scientifico FIDRA


Attila Tanzi

Ordinario di diritto internazionale presso l’Università di Bologna – Alma Mater Studiorum; Associate Member – 3VB Chambers, London (UK), Comitato scientifico FIDRA


Chiara Tondini

Counsel at SLCG, International Disputes Counsel at MDisputes, Comitato scientifico FIDRA




Laura Tettamanti

Organizational secretariat

FIDRA- Francesco Pannocchia

Francesco Pannocchia

Organizational manager


Florence International
Dispute Resolution Academy