Prevention and management of international commercial disputes: mediation and arbitration
Countdown to first event
To provide participants with the necessary know-how for the legal management of international corporate commercial relations, as a means for preventing and resolving disputes when operating on the global market.
The programme is structured as a master, composed of two main units (“Negotiation and Drafting of International Commercial Contracts” and “Prevention and Management of International Commercial Disputes: Mediation and Arbitration”). The teaching method combines theoretical and practical approaches with a view to enabling participants to master the general international legal institutions within which to meet their future concrete contractual needs. Participants can choose whether to attend only one unit or both. Attendance to the first unit is not a prerequisite for participation to the second.
The course “Prevention and Management of International Commercial Disputes: Mediation and Arbitration” is directed to acquire or improve skills in the management of international dispute resolution mechanisms. Among others, issues such as the choice of the institution, of the proper mechanisms and the techniques to make the most from them, as long as the enforceability of mediation settlement agreements and arbitral awards will be tackled.
The teaching programme is directed to especially, but not exclusively, in-house counsel, head of commercial and contracts departments, import/export managers, lawyers and consultants in the field of international commercial relationships, who aim to improve their skills in dealing with international partners and competitors.
Under the present circumstances, classes are held from remote. When the emergency restrictions are over tuition will be offered in presence, while online attendance will also be arranged, especially for overseas participants.
Language skills requirements: an adequate level of English knowledge is required, i.e. sufficient to understand basic international contract language and to interact with teachers and classmates both in classes and practical exercises.
14 settembre → 2 dicembre 2021
Duration: 43 hours
Language: English
Costo: € 920,00 + iva*
Modalità: Online - le registrazioni delle docenze saranno disponibili per i partecipanti
Il corso è stato posticipato a data da destinarsi
(*) Per le aziende iscritte al registro delle imprese di Firenze si prevede un costo di iscrizione scontato, pari a € 460,00 + iva.
Per gli iscritti all’Albo degli Avvocati di Firenze è previsto un costo di iscrizione scontato, pari a € 800,00 + iva.
E’ stata approvata, dalla Commissione per l’accreditamento delle attività formative dell’Ordine di Firenze, l’attribuzione di n. 20 CF non obbligatori per i partecipanti al corso, così come previsto dalla delibera adottata in data 20/04/2020 dal CNF n. 193 sulla Formazione Continua.
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