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Corsi FIDRA Academy

In collaboration with higher level lecturers and experts, FIDRA develops targeted training courses, also on demand, relating to all aspects of international commercial investments, from the pre-contractual phase to potential litigation. Also, FIDRA organizes, in collaboration with leading institutions in the sector, a wide range of initiatives, including conferences, symposia and seminars, aimed at fostering the exchange of knowledge to the advantage of enterprises.

(*) Per ogni corso FIDRA si prevede uno sconto del 50% per le imprese iscritte al registro delle imprese di Firenze

Advanced course II
Prevention and management of international commercial
disputes: mediation and arbitration

14 Settembre → 2 Dicembre 2021
Duration: 43 hours
Language: English
Costo: € 920,00 + iva*
Il corso è stato posticipato a data da destinarsi

Base Course
Introduzione ai contratti commerciali internazionali

22 Marzo → 28 Aprile 2021
Duration: 25 hours
Language: Italian/English
Costo: € 360,00 + iva*
Registration are closed: new course dates on 2022 will coming soon

Advanced course I
Negotiation and drafting of international commercial contract

23 Marzo → 6 Luglio 2021
Duration: 43 hours
Language: English
Costo: € 950,00 + iva*
Registration are closed: new course dates on 2022 will coming soon


Course Program 2021




venerdì’ 5 marzo

Conferenza inaugurale Florence International Dispute Resolution Academy

Il Presidente della Camera di Commercio, il Segretario Generale e i Componenti del Comitato Scientifico Consultivo, con alcuni prestigiosi ospiti,  hanno illustrato lo scopo di FIDRA e le iniziative in programma.

Martedì 11 maggio

Workshop online on “Setting up an International Arbitration Proceeding”

Directed to international arbitration practitioners and in house counsel engaged in managing cross-border disputes


Archivio storico programmazione corsi FIDRA